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Showing posts from November, 2016

Bonneville Salt Flats with a new Portuguese actor?

The World Wide Web of Music Influence

Who is you favorite musician of all time? Have you ever pondered if your favorite songs were inspired by the talent other musical artists? If you do enough digging you will find that for the most part music artists will always name one, if not a handful, of icons in the industry that have positively shaped their successful careers. While examining five of Billboard’s Top 100 Artists in history – The Beatles, Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, and The Rolling Stones – Readers compiled all of their connections, collaborations, and relationships listed on Wikipedia into this World Wide Web Of Music Influence Infographic . The popularity and number of linked articles to each artists is indicated through the size of their circles. Check the full version HERE

Amazing animatronic dinosaurs!

A cheating wife, a drone and a dumb guy.

And here is a tearful husband. Maybe he's wasted more time playing with drones instead of paying attention to his wife.